Certified Training Center Site Visit and Evaluation Process
The National Blindness Professional Certification Board (NBPCB) certifies blindness training centers that operate under the Structured Discovery (SD) method of instruction.
Structured Discovery is a method of providing rehabilitation training to blind individuals under a consumer-based model of rehabilitation—derived out of the collective knowledge, experiences, and attitudes of blind people who have achieved independence and success. Once a training center has achieved SD certification, consumers can be assured that they will receive the most effective training available in a comprehensive program that promotes independence, dignity, and a real belief in the capacity of blind people to live full and normal lives.
Training centers who wish to seek SD certification must complete the following process.
- The Executive Director or person who holds principal direction over the center must submit a completed Structured Discovery Center Certification Application. If the application is accepted, the certification process can then continue. Please contact our office to request the application and obtain information regarding all required fees.
- The Executive Director or person who holds principal direction over the center must submit a completed Pre-Site Visit Questionnaire. This form will provide information to prepare evaluators for the site visit including relevant details regarding staff, students, components of the training program and its philosophy, and the physical facility.
- The Executive Director or person who holds principal direction over the center must read and sign the NBPCB Structured Discovery Code of Conduct. This document provides a clear overview of the expectations for the policies, practices, and behaviors of center staff in order to obtain and maintain NBPCB certification. This document can be found on our website.
- Once all documentation and fees are received a determination will be made as to whether the training program meets minimal requirements. If it does, a mutually agreed upon date for a site visit will be determined. This visit will be two to three days in duration, but may be longer if it is the center's initial certification application. This site visit will be conducted by a team composed of members of the NBPCB Board or their designee(s). If it is determined that the program does not meet minimal requirements, the specific insufficiencies will be provided along with recommendations for possible remedies.
- Prior to the site visit, evaluators will conduct individual interviews with administrative, instructional, and relevant support staff members to gather background information on their qualifications, practices, and philosophy of blindness.
- Staff members and students should be made available at the time of the site visit for interviews as part of the overall certification process.
- Evaluators will observe each instructor in the teaching setting to evaluate teaching knowledge, effectiveness, time management, overall demeanor, and integration of Structured Discovery Philosophy.
- Informal settings such as morning announcements, lunch, breaks, and evening interactions between staff members and students will also be observed. This will include the interactions of staff members with one another, and with students among themselves.
- During the site visit, evaluators will observe a minimum of one seminar class led by the Director. They may also engage in other center activities that are not traditional teaching settings which provide beneficial experiences for students such as participating in various community activities, rock climbing, going to a mall or shopping center, visiting a Christmas tree farm, touring a manufactory plant, etc.
- Evaluators should have access to the residential facility to determine its location relevant to the training center, its overall state of physical condition, and its general adequacy. They will additionally consider how the residential facility is used to reinforce what is taught during formal instruction, and how it promotes structured discovery concepts and principles—e.g., encouraging independence and confidence. Evaluators should have the opportunity to visit the facility while students are present, and to observe residential staff interacting with students.
- Once the site visit has been concluded, evaluators may seek follow-up information from either staff or students to completely round out areas that assist in the development of the final report.
- Evaluators will submit their report including their recommendations to the NBPCB for its decision on whether to grant certification. Board members reserve the right to seek additional information prior to making a final determination.
- A report will be provided to the center director and to the chairperson of the center's board or the agency’s executive director. The report will detail the center's strengths and areas for needed improvement. If the center is granted full certification, the NBPCB will issue a certificate which is valid for three years. If the center is not granted certification, or is granted probationary recertification, the report will detail the specific areas needing improvement, along with recommendations for possible remedies.
- Once a center is granted certification, it must undergo triennial in-person site review, which is performed in the same manner as described in this document. NBPCB reserves the right to place any center on probation or to revoke its certification if policies, practices, or staff behavior comes into direct conflict with our Code of Conduct. Centers will first be given the opportunity to rectify any issues that would otherwise prevent its maintaining NBPCB certification, but it must do so in a satisfactory and timely manner.
- All centers holding valid Structured Discovery Center Certification acknowledge that any NBPCB member, or its designee, is freely permitted without prior notice or any restrictions, to visit the Center to confirm that continued standards of a certified Structured Discovery Training Center are being upheld.
For questions regarding any aspect of the Center certification process, or relevant fees, please contact the NBPCB office at PO Box 2373, Ruston, LA 71273, 318-299-7340, or send an email to admin@nbpcb.org